American Horror Story S10.03 — Greatness

Lizzie Kreitman
4 min readSep 2, 2021


Spoilers below for American Horror Story S10.03 — Thirst

American Horror Story S10.03

Well, we are certainly speeding right along in the Red Tide half of the Double Feature season. Tonight’s episode means we are halfway through with the story and I personally do not mind the faster pace. Unlike other seasons of American Horror Story where they throw a lot of storylines around (I’m looking at you Asylum), Red Tide is extremely straightforward.

Tonight’s episode continues the trajectory set forth at the end of episode 2. The Chief wants to speak with the Gardners because of someone saw Alma eating a rabbit in the cemetery and the string of murders along the Cape and at Dick Dock (her words, not mine!). But, Doris collapses and ends up in the hospital, where she is told she needs to stay for 5 days for rest and observation. Harry promises to take Alma back to NYC, but of course, he is lying.

Alma & Harry return to P-Town and go to dinner where they order rare steaks and Alma tries to convince Harry to leave Doris because she’s not “a good mother or a good wife.” Woof. Meanwhile, Harry half-heartedly and unsuccessfully tries to convince Alma to stop taking the pills. Instead, they land on a totally healthy and great compromise of her taking the pills forever, not telling Doris, and Harry hunting for her. Awesome parenting, Harry.

Before their steaks even get to the table, Alma tells Harry she’s hungry and so he goes out to hunt via Craigslist. He arrives at the house of a very skinny woman and she makes sure he’s not a cop before inviting him in. But, before he can kill her, he is hit over the head with a gun. Tied up, Harry awakens in a basement and finds out he’s about to be the star of a snuff film. Luckily, he’s been outfitted with vampire fangs and he cuts the rope with his teeth and kills his kidnappers. They had turned on the camera beforehand, though, and they don’t show him doing anything with that afterwards, so I wonder if it will come back to bite him (get it!).

On his next hunt, Harry is accompanied by Belle and Austin and they are lucky to find a buffet of/for 3. But, after Harry starts collecting blood in a thermos for Alma, Belle and Austin get worried. In the car, they pull a gun on him and ask what he was doing. When he explains, they berate him for being a terrible father (fair) and tell him he cannot let her have any more pills. Harry leaves and they decide they need to kill him and Alma. Belle mentions that children taste great and she has done some of her best writing after feeding on youngsters.

Ursula, Harry’s agent, shows up unannounced to tell him that Quentin Tarantino wants him to write his first mini-series because “he recently got married and can’t do what he usually does to write as easily.” AKA Tarantino is on the pills, too. But really, obviously, Ursula suspects something is up with P-Town because Harry went from a mediocre network writer to the “Mark fucking Twain”. So, I guess I was wrong about all of Hollywood, including Ursula, knowing about P-Town and the pills beforehand.

While there, Mickey gives her all of the scripts that he wrote on the pill and she loves them. After that, she really knew something was up. Belle tries to get Mickey to kill Ursula, but instead, Ursula gives Mickey a writing gig and they team up. Ursula wants to start distributing the pills to her writers and give a cut of the profits to The Chemist (Angelica Ross). However, when they meet, The Chemist goes behind her back and tells everything to Belle and Austin. The Chemist demands that they kill Ursula, Mickey, Harry, Doris, and Alma to stop this from spreading.

Finally, Harry goes out to hunt for Alma and himself and leaves Ursula as a babysitter. Ursula goes up to take a nap and the Chief, very illegally, comes in to ask Alma some questions. Despite the fact that Alma is 9, the Chief explains the situation and tries to get some answers out of the girl. Unfortunately, Alma is really, really hungry and goes for the jugular instead. She kills the Chief and leaves her splayed out on the coffee table. Harry returns from his hunt to find the dead police chief and Alma and Ursula playing cards 5 feet away. Ruh roh.

General thoughts from this episode:

  • Short billing for Adina Porter unless she has a role in Death Valley, too.
  • Looks like next episode will be all or mostly flashback, which means that there are only 2 more episodes to push the plot forward and wrap up the story. Will it be Thrones-like and end when everyone is dead?
  • Harry and Alma are going to have some ‘splainin to do when Doris comes back. Will she take the pill too and end up a Pale Person? Will Alma eat the baby? Only time will tell!

Producer who loves TV, looking for my next opportunity to be creative & pet dogs. View all posts by lizziekreitman

Originally published at on September 2, 2021.



Lizzie Kreitman
Lizzie Kreitman

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