American Horror Story S10.08 — Hybrids
Spoilers below for American Horror Story S10.08 — Inside
A day late, but here I am! In the second episode of Death Valley, which I’ll remind you brings us to the halfway point of this mini season, we learn more about the aliens in a series of flashbacks within flashbacks and some present day nonsense as well.
In the black & white world, Ike and VP Dick (Nixon) argue over whether or not to share the news of the alien treaty with new president JFK. Ike ultimately wins out and gives over the information to “Jack”, who then shares it in bed with Marilyn Monroe. She admits she saw an alien when she was growing up, so she is shockingly cool about it. JFK is decidedly uncool and wants to tell the American people. But before he can do that, he is assassinated. Right in the middle of Ike and his wife enjoying their first microwave Salisbury steak! Coincidence…? I think not!
We then go into another flashback, returning us to the moment we left off last episode. Ike is trying to figure out what the heck to do about the aliens. He has a meeting with the military, which is interrupted by the floating alien nurse popping in to show them some cool technology. She explains that her world is dying and in order for her people to survive, they need to figure out how to live on Earth. They can’t do that currently, so they need to abduct people and breed with them so their hybrid children can live on Earth. In exchange, the aliens will provide the Americans with technology (for example, microwave ovens).
The military men are not happy, but after the alien explodes one of their heads, they kind of realize resistance is futile. She explains that they don’t have much time left for either of their people and then the nurse’s head explodes, too. At home, Ike is telling his wife that he doesn’t think he should do the deal. She is insistent that he should and he gets annoyed. Stay in your lane, lady. She calls up Dick and shows him everything so he can convince Ike to agree to the treaty.
When Ike finds out, he is obviously extremely pissed and confronts his wife. But, oh, lo and behold she is actually an alien! Of course! The alien explains that if he doesn’t do the deal, his wife will not make it out of there alive. Rough.
In the present day, the 4 pregnant freshmen are, rightfully so, freaking out. They are driving to an OBGYN where they pretend only one of them is pregnant. When she takes an ultrasound, she freaks out and goes to call another doctor. When she leaves, not-so-Luddite-anymore Kendall grabs the ultrasound wand and checks out one of the boys. There’s a huge ass alien inside of him and he starts freaking out asking “how is this baby going to come out of me??” He probably says that line 15 times this episode and he never gets the answer.
Outside the window, an unmarked van pulls up and Secret Service-looking men come out. They shoot the doctor and zap the kids with something. Kendall wakes up floating in a white room surrounded by other pregnant people. She speaks with Angelica Ross (I could tell it was her from her voice) who is shrouded in white and wearing a mask. When she asks if she is one of the aliens, she says, “Not exactly, I’m something else.” The hybrid (that’s what we find out she is at the end of the episode) explains that they are carrying babies that will save the planet, but not Earth. Kendall starts freaking out and she is sedated.
She comes to at a lunch table in an all white cafeteria where pregnant people are eating cubes of jello. Steve Jobs is inexplicably there too, talking to a non-pregnant Southern woman. I’m sure that’ll never come up again lol. The other 3 freshmen walk in and find Kendall. They all start asking questions and the Calico, Southern woman (played by Leslie Grossman) explains that most people are one and done but some, like her, have an annual subscription. She hasn’t aged since she was brought in in the ‘70s.
The Orthodox boy, Troy, asks if they will get to go back to their normal lives after this since most people are “one and done.” She doesn’t really answer except to say, “life must find its own way.” Um, that is extremely unhelpful (and very similar to “life always finds a way” from Jurassic Park). When a staff member comes over to bring vitamins, Troy slaps all of the vitamins away and is restrained. He wakes up in a bed, getting ready for the end/the birth. This is when Angelica Ross takes off her mask and reveals that she is a half human half alien hybrid. The future!
General thoughts from this episode:
- So, we’re pretty sure these are the same aliens from Asylum, right? First of all, they look the same and second of all, they were obsessed with birthing babies in Asylum too. That season takes place about 10 years after the initial treaty, so it also tracks with their goals. The only thing is that the kids on Asylum look completely human, but I guess things could change in 60 years.
- Seriously, why have Steve Jobs in this? So unnecessary.
- Only 2 more episodes left and I have a loooot of questions.
Producer who loves TV, looking for my next opportunity to be creative & pet dogs. View all posts by lizziekreitman
Originally published at on October 8, 2021.