Legion S2.07 — How do you like your eggs?

Lizzie Kreitman
3 min readMay 16, 2018


Spoilers below for Legion S2.07 — Chapter 15

Legion S2.07

Fried or full of delusions? This week’s episode was almost a standalone short film, narrated, of course, by Jon Hamm. It wasn’t the most exciting, but we did see Admiral Fukiyama’s face for the first time and we lost a main character, Ptonomy.

To be honest, probably a good thing Ptonomy is out of the picture, since he had the black chicken growing inside of his brain for the longest. The delusion was meant to turn the Division 3 mutants against Admiral Fukiyama and the mustachioed women (the Vermillions). In his dream, the Vermillions were in bed with him, which was weird. Obviously freaked out by that, Ptonomy really loses it when Fukiyama removes his wicker mask and his face looks eerily similar to the black chicken monster.

Ptonomy then leaves eggs, armed with incomprehensible words to Syd, Kerry, and Clark as they sleep. They awaken with the same delusion and set out to fight Fukiyama and the Vermillions because they are unable to distinguish their delusion from reality. Syd & Clark find the Admiral in his chambers and when they make him remove his mask, the same monster’s face stares back at them.

Luckily & easily, which seems to be a theme in this episode, David appears right in time to stop Clark from shooting Fukiyama, who is actually just an old Japanese guy. David wonders aloud what’s wrong with his friends. Again, too easily, he just looks into their brains, finds the black chickens, and pops them out.

Since he was making out with Future Syd in the anti-gravity chamber, David wasn’t infected by Ptonomy’s eggs. But, let’s not forget that David does have some black chicken in his brain — there was a trail of tar in his astral room that he shares with Syd. Will this come back to haunt us? Or, is it already hurting the team? How are we to know that David’s conversations, thoughts, and memories are not infected by a monster?

Unfortunately for Ptonomy, his little black chicken has grown into a black chicken monster. Ripping through Ptonomy’s body, the monster escapes…until David catches him in the kitchen (why did the monster go to the kitchen?). Very easily, David shrinks him down and squashes him.

Might be worth noting that Kerry was the only mutant from whom David did not pull the delusion. I’m wondering if that will come back. An angry & crazy Kerry is not a Kerry I’d want to run into in a dark hallway.

Farouk & David have another stare down in the astral plane. Is anyone else a little bored of their cryptic and condescending convos? Apparently, David isn’t ready for the adults and so he’s sent (literally) back to the kids’ table. There is a beautiful & very creepy scene in which David confronts a version of his sister conjured up by Farouk. He tries to apologize for wishing bad thoughts on her when he was hospitalized, but instead, she laughs maniacally.

Further on in the astral plane, Future Syd and Farouk are hatching a plan (see what I did there?). As I’ve said before, David is the cause of the apocalypse and both she & Farouk know it. They join forces — despite the fact that Farouk is the villain and David, the “hero.” Farouk is tired of white men with blue eyes trying to kill him. Rightfully so, but maybe he should stop being so evil?

All in all, not too much happened in this episode that affects the larger plot. We know that Future Syd can’t be trusted, or maybe she can, if helping Farouk find his body is going to save the world. Kerry (and David?)possibly still have the delusion growing inside, so that might cause some issues in the next episodes. And we know what’s under the wicker mask and a little bit about how he’s powered. Ptonomy is the newest connection to the machine, which is actually in the forest and powered by trees. I love it!

Originally published at lizziekreitman.wordpress.com on May 16, 2018.



Lizzie Kreitman
Lizzie Kreitman

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