Legion S3.01 — Time is a jungle

Lizzie Kreitman
4 min readJun 25, 2019


Spoilers below for Legion S3.01 — Chapter 20

Legion S3.01 — Suzanne Tenner (FX)

Hey, we heard you liked Legion, so we Legion-ed your Legion so you could be in an episode of Legion while you watch Legion.

No, but seriously, Legion is back and it’s doing all of the things that has made this show so good. We start by meeting a new character, a Japanese college student with an emotionally (and potentially physically) distant father who loves robots. She, as a result of that, hates robots.

Oh and she’s a time traveler.

We’re given some rules of time traveling by way of a cassette she listens to, which helps us understand what she can do and how without having to ask too many questions. She can slow time down as well as jump back (and we assume forwards) by outlining a door in space, climbing through, and choosing how far back she wants to go (10 minutes, 20, 30, an hour, etc). After touching her tooth, she can go through the door.

But she can’t go too far back because then she might let the demon in. The demon giggles a little bit like our old friend the Yellow Eyed Demon from the first season, but maybe that’s just a coincidence.

After following a bunch of clues, our new character — Switch — finds herself in a shop where the clothing racks keep moving and the front desk keeps hiding. When she yells the magic word (Salmon), a musical number begins and she ends up crawling through a plastic tunnel for a long time until she ends up at a cult of love.

This cult is officially run by David, but Lenny is the face of the operation. Inexplicably, she’s being called the Breakfast Queen, but we don’t get to see much of her because Switch wants to speak to David. We do find out that there is blue oil/liquid flowing through the building and the cult members are taking it. I assume it calms them down/trips them out and it comes from David. There is also a giant pig monster that cult members are suckling from. More on that, I assume, later (though no promises since this is Legion).

When Switch speaks with David, at first he appears mellow. They discuss his history and her issues with her dad until they are rudely interrupted by Division 3. Kerry cuts David’s arm off but he still manages to kill her and the other soldiers until Syd shoots him in the chest and he dies. Switch quickly opens a portal and goes back 2 hours.

She finds herself back in Lenny’s room, but she moves quickly through and back to David’s cave. She warns him that Division 3 is coming and he transports them into the hall, where the soldiers and cult members are fighting. David does some damage and when it looks like they might be losing, Switch opens a portal. Too late, though, because Syd shoots David again. Farouk sees Switch as she leaves.

She immediately walks through the 2 hour door again, but she is surprised when she ends up in the astral plane talking to Farouk. They chat briefly, he tries to explain that he’s actually on the side of good and David is evil, but Switch is not impressed. From their brief encounter, she feels she needs to protect him. She does a cool move where she opens a portal through the tea tray and jumps back to 2 hours.

This time, we see the earlier scene on Division’s 3 ship. Cary is rebuilding Ptonomy as a humanoid version of the machine and Farouk is telling Clark about Switch. When questioned what they should do about her, since no matter what they do to David, she can undo, Clark just tells him that they will kill her, too.

But, when they return for the 3rd time to David’s headquarters, just as they are going to attack, the entire house disappears. There is only a crater, and a tooth, left.

I am hoping they can keep up the beautiful visuals, music, and somewhat sensical story for the rest of this final season because we love this show!

Originally published at http://lizziekreitman.wordpress.com on June 25, 2019.



Lizzie Kreitman
Lizzie Kreitman

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