Legion S3.03 — Origin story
Spoilers below for Legion S3.03 — Chapter 22
The third episode of the final season of Legion could have easily taken place in season 1 as it acts as an origin story for David.
First, we find out how his parents met — in a mental institution, just like David & Syd. His father is famous telepath and mutant Charles Xaviar and his mother is Gabrielle, a Holocaust survivor who is suffering from debilitating PTSD. She also happens to be carrying around a box with the Angriest Boy in the World doll. Creepy.
Charles enters her mind to help her clear the trauma and it works. They grow fond of each other, but she understands that her issues go deeper than his Jedi mind tricks. In this case, the tricks work for the moment because he convinces the entire hospital that they are healthy and they leave with a resounding round of applause.
They end up in a creepy old house that looks a little like the Murder House from the first season of American Horror Story and they have a son — David. Charles is experimenting in his basement to try to find other telepaths and he finds one — Farouk — in Morroco. He leaves Gabrielle alone in the house with baby David to go meet him.
We know from season 1 that they meet and fight in the astral plane. Charles wins, but Farouk doesn’t die. Weakened, he finds himself in the house and implants himself in David. This is where the past meets the present. Throughout the episode, Gabrielle has been seeing and hearing flashes of David and his cult.
Finally, we understand that David and Switch are watching the scenes unfold, but because they are so far back in time, her powers are diminished and they can’t be seen. In most cases, they can’t be heard either. David tries everything he can to get his mother’s attention, which heightens her fear and paranoia because at the same time, Farouk is stalking them to get access to David.
David is able to break through right at the end and appears before his mother to warn her that Farouk is haunting them and will soon possess baby David. She, obviously, freaks out and faints. At the same time, Charles returns home and banishes David and Switch from that time period. Farouk takes advantage of the momentary distraction and swoops on baby David. Gabrielle falls back into a coma.
Switch is exhausted and loses another tooth. David yells at her to wake up and take them back, but she cannot do it. The last we see of them has him freaking out and glowing with anger.
What happens if he explodes in the time travel hallway? What happens if they unleash the demon because they went back too far? Is this when they give David away? Also, how does time work in this world? Do you think that in every version of time, David has tried to warn the mother, thus making her go crazy and give him away? Or is that just this time? I’m thinking/hoping we’ll find out next week!
Originally published at http://lizziekreitman.wordpress.com on July 10, 2019.